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Within personal or spiritual context, if I say the word alignment, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Let me know in the comments!

Let me guess! Chakras, universe, manifestation, right? I know because that’s what I find when I search on google, and it’s a shame because there is way more things to the concept of alignment than that! And the most interesting part is, not many people are familiar with it, and the lack of it is responsible for most of the struggles and suffering that happen in life!

It’s quite an important thing and you should learn more about it, especially if you want to have more peace! One of my missions here is to help you to become more aligned because when that happens, life becomes more fluid and more beautiful! To give you a short explanation about what alignment means, it’s when you become more aligned with your true self, and that happens in many different levels!

I will not talk about chakras and universe today because, even though they are types of alignment, I want to focus this post on you and your life! So I will talk about alignment, and what causes lack of it, in 3 levels: with your true self, with your life and with your mind!

Alignment with your True Self

Earth is like a huge theatre, we are all playing roles here! And we play so well the character we spent a whole life creating, that we believe that’s who we truly are, and that’s not true!

We are creative consciousness, souls having a human experience! The “I am presence” that carries no names, no labels! And the only things we take from here, are the lessons we learn through the experiences we have!

Alignment with your true self means that the character you play is compatible with the core energy in your essence, in all aspects of your life, period! And that’s quite an achievement because we do live in a world that’s constantly demanding that we become someone else. Most of the time, we are the person we were conditioned to be, and usually, that is not aligned with our essence!

A good example is about people’s professional lives. I know wonderful people that have many talents, and they feel lost career wise. Do you know why it happens? Probably because when they were younger and they expressed their natural inclinations, they were fed with limiting beliefs like “you cannot be an artist, you won’t make money!” or “you cannot be an archeologist, you won’t have a job!”.

All these limitations take us out of alignment from our natural talents, and many people choose their careers based on the idea of making money, and money should be a consequence, not the main reason for your work! I’m sorry to say but if your career is not aligned with you, you will always be an average professional, you won’t be able to go beyond that because you lack the main ingredient: passion for what you do!

This lack of alignment happens in other levels as well, not only the labels you carry. You know when you feel forced to do something that you don’t want to, but you don’t know how to say no because people expect something from you? Even actions that go against the core of your being, throw you out of alignment with your true self. And the blame goes to social conditioning and limiting beliefs!

Alignment with your Life

This one you will know better by the name of destiny! When your soul decides to be born as a human being, it makes a list with all the experiences it wants to have and all the lessons it wants to learn!

On this list you have soul contracts with the people that will share the journey with you (family, friends and even marriage and kids, if you have planned), it has the places you should live, the work you should do, the lessons you came here to learn, the karma you should balance and any extra challenge, like physical limitation for example, if your soul wants to have this kind of experience!

Though it’s a plan, a blueprint for your life, none of this is set on stone! You still have free will and it will be respected even when it comes from the tiniest portion of your being: your conscious mind! If you read past life hypnotherapy books, you will find countless examples of people not following their soul plan, and usually, the results are not so good…

When you have to force something that’s not meant for you, the path will be difficult! And when you get what you thought that was important, you might not find the pleasure and fulfillment you were expecting!

Most of the time when you deviate from your soul’s plan, it’s because of conditioning! You were conditioned to believe that you need certain things in life in order to be happy, but usually these things do not apply to everyone. Do you know the happiness formula? By 40 you should have a solid career, a house, marriage and kids. How many people do you know that have all of these and are still not happy? See what I’m talking about?

When you follow your energy and do the things that are compatible with it, you have more peace, fulfillment and happiness in your life. All you have to do is to tune into your inner vibration to figure it out! My post about intuition talks about this kind of communication with your soul, click here to read!

Lack of Alignment with your Mind

Your mind is your worst enemy, and the saying “either you learn how to control your mind or it will control you”, is absolutely true! It can really make you go through very intense emotional ups and downs, just through the way it talks to you inside your head, your inner dialogue! These voices are also the most important factor that will determine if you will be successful in something or not, that’s how powerful they are!

Lack of alignment in your mind comes from 2 levels: your ego and your limiting beliefs! I have posts specifically about these two, click here to read about the ego, and here for the subconscious beliefs.

In short, the ego voices are related to identification, comparison to others and survival mechanism. The ego also carries all the conditioning you have as a human being, and even when you are on the right path in your life, it can still crush you and throw you completely out of alignment!

That’s why is important to learn how to listen to your inner vibration because it has all the answers for you. If you want to become more aligned, you need to understand what’s causing the lack of alignment, if it’s the situation itself or the voices inside your mind.

If it is the situation, when you look at it without thinking or reasoning, you have a negative feeling in your heart. If it’s your mind, the drama will be happening mainly in your thoughts! And because your thoughts are very powerful, they will confuse you and affect the way you feel. Just try to locate the source of the negative energy, if it’s around the head, your mind is not aligned, if it’s in your heart, the problem is in your life!

Now let’s talk about the limiting beliefs. For each aspect of your life, you have multiple beliefs rooted in your subconscious mind and they form your reality. So, when you want to achieve something in your life, if these beliefs are not aligned with it, they will sabotage you! A classic example is when you want to have money, but you have limiting beliefs that money is not good for you, such as “money corrupts the man” or “poor people are good people, rich people are not”.

Once you learn what social conditioning and limiting beliefs are, and I do hope my posts are helping you with that, you will see them everywhere: advertisement, movies and even music. You grew up surrounded by them and they impact you a lot, more than you can imagine! And to become more aligned with your true self, you have to dismantle everything that is not you!

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