Meditation doesn’t have to be boring! What if I told you that I never sat down in lotus position to focus on my breathing in order to learn how to meditate, would you believe me? In fact, you can make it quite interesting! So today I’m going to get some myths out of the way and I’m going to tell you how you can meditate!
Meditation is not about emptying your mind, this is quite impossible to do and if you managed, please teach me because until today I couldn’t do it! According to the monks, anyone who lives in the present moment is meditating!
Meditation is about bringing your mind to the present moment! And when you do that, you learn to observe your “monkey” mind, the part of your mind that never shuts up and is always jumping to the past and to the future, and developing that inner observer empowers you because then you can use it to work on the thoughts that make you suffer or to create a mindset aligned with the things you want.
Meditation might even improve your extrasensory perception because when you become aware of everything that is going on inside your mind, it becomes easier to identify the voices of your “higher self”. At first you must sit down and train yourself to do this, but after a while, your mind and your brain get used to it and this awareness becomes full time.
Eckhart Tolle usually says that we have an addiction that we don’t even know about it, to think! And he’s right because our minds keep running on autopilot, we don’t even know what’s going on there.
I find it interesting that usually people avoid their own thoughts, they turn on the TV, music or anything that makes noise, so they don’t sit in silence listening to their inner voices. And the thing is, even if you are not listening, they are still playing in the background and if you are worried or afraid of something, they will still affect your physical body and even your energy!
It is not without reason that mindfulness practices are gaining popularity because with the stressful lives we live today, we really need them, and they can help a lot to have more quality of life and well-being.
Mental Training
Think of your mind as if it was your physical body, if you’ve never done a physical activity before, you’re probably going to be pretty tired on your first try, right? So, it’s the same with the mind, if you’ve never done a mental workout, you’ll probably only be able to focus for a minute or two before some thought pops up and you have to take it out of the way.
With time and practice, you will be able to focus for longer periods of time and during the process, you will learn to observe your thoughts. You can meditate in many different ways, even in movement and with your eyes open. But if you choose to close your eyes to get inside yourself, avoid lying down because you will probably fall sleep, and also avoid very upright positions because you will probably feel uncomfortable, which will prevent you from focusing on your inner world!
Physical activities
If you do physical activity, this is a great way to meditate! Feel your movements, your breathing, the muscles you are using, make your mind fully present within your physical body!
If you have access to nature, maybe a park or even your own garden, just sit back and be present, connect with the place! Watch the insects, the animals, feel the air, the plants, the energy that comes from the sun or maybe even the moon!
Intention and Gratitude
Another great way to implement a type of meditation into your routine is to start your days with intention and end with prayers of gratitude for just 5 minutes each! If you can practice this daily, you will see huge differences in your well-being after just a few days!
Guided Meditation
Another good way to get started with meditation is to look up some audios online and listen to them before bed. It’s much easier to have someone guiding you through this process than to do it alone, at least in the beginning!
My Mental Training
Personally speaking, I did two main mental trainings that gave me the level of awareness I have today, and each of them I practiced 3-4 times a week for over a year. The first one, I was still a teenager and I really wanted to do astral projection, and that’s when I discovered that our minds are quite busy! The second, I really wanted to connect to my spirit guides.
Other than that, I only go inside myself when I need to work with something, whether it’s self-hypnosis, to connect with my inner child or light beings, replenish energy or even send energy to somebody! For everything else, as my mind is already very used to it, I just need to shift my focus, bring it to my third eye and my heart center, and do what I need to do, be it an intention, a gratitude or even a prayer asking for something.
Sometimes I even practice self-hypnosis with my eyes open! And when my guides want to talk to me, I can hear them inside my head no matter what I’m doing!
By sharing this with you, what I mean is that if there’s something you really want, whether it’s something spiritual or some work in your subconscious mind, use it as motivation to get inside your mind and achieve it! Do some research on what you want, have a look at the techniques out there for some ideas on how to do it, and practice it your own way, and I’m sure you’ll get there!
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